Battletech record sheets annihilator
Battletech record sheets annihilator

TAblE Of CONTENTS iPrevious record sheet volumes grouped allĪnd then organized per tonnage.

battletech record sheets annihilator

Hatamoto-chi Victor Zeus Katana (Crockett) shogun stalker Cyclops JagerMech Caesar Cataphract Grasshopper orion awesome Charger Trebuchet Dervish Hoplite Grand Dragon Quickdraw axman Catapult Hatchetman Vindicator Wolf Trap Centurion enforcer Hunchback Javelin spider UrbanMech firestarter Jenner Panther Raven WolfhoundĪssassin Cicada Clint Hermes II Vulcan Whitworth blackjack INNER SPHERE BATTLEMECHSflea Hornet Commando falcon firefly RECORD SHEETS: 3050 UPGRADE, INNER SPHERE/section00: Table of

battletech record sheets annihilator

Hyperlinks off of each unit name in the TOC will enable players to instantly move to a given section, or to the start of a given unit’s record sheets. To better ease this transition, this record sheet volume is organized like its corresponding Technical Readout. However, this often ignored the organization of the corresponding Technical Readout, creating disconnect for players moving from a Technical Readout to a record sheet volume to find the unit they’re looking for.

battletech record sheets annihilator

RECORD SHEETS: 3050 UPGRADE, INNER SPHERE / section00: TABLE OF CONTENTS INNER SPHERE BATTLEMECHS Flea Hornet Commando Falcon Firefly Javelin Spider UrbanMech Firestarter Jenner Panther Raven Wolfhound Assassin Cicada Clint Hermes II Vulcan Whitworth Blackjack Hatchetman Vindicator Wolf Trap Centurion Enforcer Hunchback Trebuchet Dervish Hoplite Grand Dragon Quickdraw Axman Catapult JagerMech Caesar Cataphract Grasshopper Orion Awesome Charger Hatamoto-chi Victor Zeus Katana (Crockett) Shogun Stalker Cyclops Mauler Banshee Annihilator Atlas Imp TABLE OF CONTENTS i Previous record sheet volumes grouped all unit types together and then organized per tonnage.

Battletech record sheets annihilator