Decreased movement of joints or limbs to avoid pain.Deformity of the limbs can occur, in severe cases.Redness, swelling, or the appearance of a bruise at the site of the fracture.Here are some of the symptoms that can help you identify a greenstick fracture: However, the most common cause of this type of fracture is falling from a height, which usually happens due to playing many jumping games. Young children are found to love to play outdoors and enjoy doing various forms of physical activity, which makes them more prone to such injuries. A child may feel a strong knock or twist in their bones. Just as other types of fractures occur, so does the Green Stick Fracture. This can happen when a child receives a direct hit to their leg or lands from a height on their leg. Green shin stick fracture: In a green shin fracture, the middle third or lower third of the shin shaft breaks.The lower third or middle third of the radius or forearm bones break in a greenstick fracture of the wrist. GreenStick Wrist Fracture: This fracture occurs when a child falls from a height with outstretched hands to avoid injury and lands on their palm or receives a direct hit on their palm.The collarbone bones get stronger around the age of 20, which means even teenagers can suffer such fractures. GreenStick CollarBone Fracture: When a child is exposed to a direct blow to their upper chest and shoulder or to their outstretched hand, they may suffer from a greenstick fracture of the collar bone.

Here are the types of green stick fractures: This makes their bones more prone to these kinds of fractures. These children in this age group have very soft and fragile bones, and the calcium they contain is more important. Greenstick fractures are very common in children under the age of 10.

The green line fracture is also called a partial fracture. This is the exact same phenomenon that happens when you try to break a green stick, and that’s how this fracture gets its name. In green bone fracture, the bone usually bends and develops a crack, but the bone does not break into two pieces. What is a greenstick fracture?Īlthough the name may sound strange, greenstick fracture or green stick injury are very common in young children. Here, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about Greenstick fracture in Children and more. Greenstick fracture is very common in children, and if you’re interested in learning more, you’ve come to the right place. While normal bruises and other minor injuries can be treated effectively at home, however, if your child breaks the bone, he may need immediate medical attention. We love to see our kids playing and having fun, but sometimes this yummy show can turn into a nightmare when your child gets hurt.